Ultra Bee Rocket Fuel Pattie-5 lb
Why choose Ultra Bee Rocket Fuel Patties for your hives?
- Convenient & ready-to-feed patties
- Single 1 lb patty
- Provides proper nutrition critical for spring population build-up, queen rearing, and pre-winter build-up, among other applications
- Includes 5% USA-sourced natural, irradiated pollen to promote consumption rate
- High (15%) protein content encourages healthy brood build-up
- Bio-Activator is intended to bring the nutritional profile of the feed into alignment with natural floral pollen and its health benefits
- Formulated to include vitamins, Carotenoid, Phytosterol, Nucleic & Amino acid, Co-enzyme, Enzyme, hemicellulose, Phenolic, Hydroxyl, Alkaloid, Flavonoid, phytohormone, neurotransmitter Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) and Trace Mineral profiles that are found in natural pollen.